Backup Filtered Fans (BFF)

REACH Logo-55
RoHS Compliant

The BFF Series® is the best friend forever for your NEMA Type 12-4X applications! The BFF Series® is a Filtered Fan System designed for cooling your equipment by forcing and exhausting the internal heat load out of your application. Utilization of the BFF Series® ranges from a backup filtered fan for your application alongside other primary cooling units such as AC units or as a primary cooling unit. Whichever way you utilize the BFF Series®, it maintains a closed-loop environment in your application when the unit is not running. The BFF Series® incorporates ICEqube's unique baffle and damper system to protect and maintain a closed-loop environment in your application, when not running. While running, the BFF Series® protects your application from harsh environments such as NEMA Type 12-4X and beyond. Unlike traditional fan pack systems where the exhaust and intake are installed separately, the BFF Series® incorporates both the exhaust and intake into one easy to install unit. The BFF Series® has 550CFM of cooling capacity with dimensions of 24.35" (618MM) H x 12.66"(322MM) W x 10.11"(257MM) D and is available in 120V, 230V, 24VDC, 48VDC, 120V/24VDC, 120V/48VDC, 230V/24VDC, and 230V/48VDC. The numerous voltage options allow for the BFF Series® to be used in several different ways.

  1. Single voltages of 120V, 230V, 24VDC, or 48VDC-Example usage are with a thermostat, hydrostat, or other sensing devices. When your sensing device calls for power, the fan slowly ramps up to speed, opening the patented damper/baffle system, and fresh air venting will begin. This process allows for filtered air to enter the enclosure and vent out unwanted hot air.
  2. Dual voltages of 120V/24VDC,120V/48VDC, 230V/24VDC, or 230V/48VDC-Example usage of running off emergency backup 48VDC power. When ac power is present, the fan system remains off or in standby mode, and if ac power is lost, provided DC power is present, the backup fan system will activate, and fresh air venting will begin. This process allows for filtered air to enter the enclosure and vent out unwanted hot air during an ac power outage. Thermostat, hydrostat, or other sensing devices can also be utilized with the dual voltage BFF Series®.
BFF Series TM

Backup Filtered Fan Models, Technical Data & Downloads